Update #27 brings the new MP5K, multiple weapon balance changes, the new Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card and more!
Hi everyone,
Update #27 is now available on live servers!
First off, this update is the brand new Survivor Pass 3 with up to 60 rewards available. Lots of changes included in this update, many of which were thanks in huge part to great player feedback.
Major changes which have been made to the Flare Gun, including quality of life improvements. We’ve added the new MP5K SMG Gun to Vikendi, bumped up the loot on Erangel. We haven’t forgotten bug fixes and we’ve got plenty listed below!
Read on for more detail and to see all the changes.
New Weapon MP5K
The MP5K is a brand new sub-machine gun chambered for 9mm ammunition.
While the firing mechanics of the MP5K Gun are similar to those of the Vector, it boasts a higher per bullet damage, but with a lower overall firing rate. This SMG also has a higher magazine capacity than the Vector, starting at 30 rounds by default with upto 40 rounds in an extended magazine.
Key characteristics of the MP5K Gun are:
High rate of fire almost 900 RPM with reasonably easy to control recoil
Accommodates all attachment slots to allow use a tactical stock, different types of magazines, muzzles attachments, grips, the laser sight and of course scopes For Guns.
Base damage value of 33
Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card’ shall soon begin and includes over 60 rewards which can be obtained within the 10 week pass duration. The new pass will include improved missions which will test players skills, an in-game feature which will provide tracking of missions in real-time and even new background.
Enjoy the new Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card!!!!!
Pass Period
Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card will run from When the Update #27 hits live servers, until June 4 PDT
Improved Features are
Mission tracking is now displayed live in-game
Press P to view your current mission status (live update of data may few seconds of delay)
New Missions
Daily Missions: These missions changes daily, so ensure you to complete each in time! You can swap out up to 3 missions per day.
Weekly Missions: You will be able to play 10 new missions every week. You can swap up to 5 missions per week for new ones, and expired missions will disappear
Beginner Missions: Added 10 introductory missions that teach players about various features in game.
There are additional challenge missions to test your gunplay skills with the following weapons: Tommy Gun, Beryl M762, S686, UMP45, M16A4
Earn a weapon skin for each weapon’s mission set you complete!
Daily Missions refresh every day at 7pm PST / 11am KST / 4am CEST.
Weekly Missions refresh every Tuesday at 7pm PST / Wednesday at 11am KST / 4am CEST.
Over 60 rewards total
New character hair & face items as free pass rewards
New backpack skins
Every level of the pass will grant a coupon which can be used in the coupon store to Redeem items and keys.
Premium Pass and Level-up Items
We have gathered valuable feedback from our different players during Survival Title System Beta Season 2 and are launching Season 3 with few changes, including making it easier to gain points and granting coupons as you progress through the titles.
We will continue to iterate on and improve this system moving forward.
Rewards for Survival Title System Beta Season 2
Distribution of rewards for beta season 2 will start when Update #27 hits live servers
Rewards should not take more than a day to be fully distributed
Rewards will be distributed to players who have achieved higher than a Novice title
If you have not received the reward after the announced date, please contact Customer Service
Any players who are found to have obtained a Survival Title by violating operation policies may be subject to account restriction and/or removal of seasonal rewards
Survival Title System Season 3 Schedule
Preseason: March 19 until live server maintenance for Update #27
Start Date: When Update #27 hits live servers
Improved Survival Point (SP) Balance
We have rebalanced the rate in which you gain Survival Points (SP) based on player feedback and it will now be easier to rank up, compared to Season 2
Survival Points (SP) earned during Beta Season 2 will be soft reset, meaning you Would not have to start completely from scratch...!!!
New Rewards System
Every promotion to a new title will grant players yellow coupons which can be used to unlock items in the coupon store
These coupons can be used in conjunction with coupons received from Survivor Pass 3: Wild Card
Use the Title reward button to claim Your rewards.
Additional Changes
You can view the rewards for each Title on the Season page
Stats will be updated and seeing after a match has ended, not immediately when you die or exit the match early
Survival Title rank icons have been changed to Roman. ( IV, III, II, I)